Sunday, May 10, 2015


Stay physically active (cont.) If you do not stay physically active, you are more likely to: *. Suffer from heart disease. *. Suffer from type 2 diabete s. *. Develop high blood pressur e. *. Develop high choleste rol. *. Suffer a stroke. The kind of physical activity that is right for you depends on your age and your health, so it would be wise to consult your doctor before beginning any new exercise program. According to various recommen dations, children and adolescen ts should get at least 60 minutes of moderate - to-vigoro us activity every day. Adults should get 150 minutes of moderate activity or 75 minutes of vigorous activity every week. Choose an activity that is fun. You might consider basketball, tennis, soccer, brisk walking, cycling, gardening, chopping wood, swimming, canoeing, jogging, or other aerobic exercise. How can you tell whether an activity is moderate or vigorous? A general guide would be that moderate activity makes you sweat, but more vigorous exercise makes it hard for you to hold a conversation while doing it. 5 GET ENOUG H SLEEP The amount of sleep needed varies from person to person. Most newborns sleep for 16 to 18 hours a day, toddlers about 14 hours, and preschool ers about 11 or 12. School- age children generally need at least 10 hours of sleep, adolescen ts perhaps 9 or 10, and adults from 7 to 8. Getting the right amount of rest should not be considere d optional. According to experts, sufficient sleep is important for: *. Growth and develop ment in children and teenage rs. *. Learnin g and retentio n of new informat ion. *. Maintain ing the right balance of hormon es that impact metaboli sm and weight. *. Cardiov ascular health. *. Disease prevent ion. Insufficient sleep has been linked to obesity, depression, heart disease, diabetes, and tragic accidents. Surely these give us good reason to want to get enough rest. So, what can you do if you realize that you have a problem getting enough sleep? *. Try to go to bed and get up at the same time every day. *. Make your bedroo m quiet, dark, relaxing , and neither too warm nor too cold. *. Do not watch TV or use gadgets while in bed. *. Make your bed as comfort able as possible . *. Avoid heavy meals, caffeine , and alcohol before bedtime. *. If after applying these suggest ions you still suffer from insomni a or other sleep disorde rs —such as excessi ve daytime sleepine ss or gasping for breath while sleeping — you may want to consult a qualified health- care professi onal. SAFEGUARD YOUR HEALTH! Your health is affected by realities over which you have no control—such as economic conditions, the availability of resources, and so on. In all likelihood, however, it should be within your means to adopt at least some of the suggestions given in the foregoing article. As a wise man of ancient times put it, “the shrewd one sees the danger and conceals himself.”Waoh, how was it after reading from part 1-3 ?,Intesting?, Educating ?,Informatory ?.... All credit to Awake Magazine Publishers.. Why not get your copy from local witnesses closer to you. Or visit ... (Source)

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