Sunday, November 29, 2015

Sunday, November 1, 2015


Air we breath is the most essential element needed to sustain life. Overall health of our body and mind in a great degree depends upon the amount of pure, fresh air breathed. But nowadays people often tend to forget about the importance of spending time outside and underestimate the health benefits of spending time outdoors. Of what important is oxygen . A steady supply of fresh air that is full of oxygen is very important for OPTIMUM HEALTH. Fresh air provides you with a steady supply of oxygen which is needed by your brain and every single cell of your body. The body is made up of cells. Cells in turn make up tissues and tissues in turn make up the organs of the body. Every function carried on by the body is directly related to the life of the cells. Cells need four things to live and function properly such as oxygen, water, nutrition and cleansing. Without oxygen the cells die in three minutes as it is one chemical essential for the cells to create energy.  Health benefits of fresh Air. The air that we breathe in any indoor location is not as fresh as our body needs to remain healthy. This is why health experts highly recommend taking a break from the indoor air and to go out to enjoy fresh air. There are many health benefits of fresh air, such as: 
*.Fresh air cleans the lungs and helps to bring more oxygen to the cells and improves the cleansing action of your lungs. When you exhale and breathe out through your lungs, you release airborne toxins from your body. The increased oxygen level in the body brings with it increased energy to do the things you need to do. 
*.More oxygen also brings greater clarity to the brain, which needs twenty percent of our body’s oxygen to function. When you breathe fresh air you can automatically think better as compared to when you remain inside a room for a longer period of time. 
*.Fresh air is good for digestion as it helps you to digest food more effectively. That is why experts’ recommend taking a small walk outside after you eat. From all the health benefits of fresh air, this one is really important if you are trying to lose weight. *.Fresh air also improves your blood pressure and heart rate. Those who have a problem with blood pressure should avoid staying at polluted environments and try to stay in surroundings that have a good supply of fresh air. Dirty environment forces the body to work harder, to get the amount of oxygen it needs. 
*.The amount of serotonin your body has is hugely affected by the amount of oxygen you inhale. Serotonin can significantly lighten your mood and promote a sense of happiness and well-being. Fresh air will leave you feeling more refreshed and relaxed. 
*.Fresh air is also essential to make your immune system strong. White blood cells require more oxygen when working to kill and destroy bacteria, viruses, and germs. They need enough oxygen to work and function properly. 
*.Fresh air purifies the blood, imparts to it a bright color, and sends the blood, a life-giving current, to every part of the body. What happens when you stay in closed area? If you stay in a closed in area for a long period of time, you will end up breathing in the same air over and over again. The oxygen content of the air will go down. Breathing this stale air will not supply your body with enough oxygen to keep your cells fueled and functioning properly. If you are breathing in stale air, you may suffer from certain health problems such as dizziness, nausea, headaches, fatigue and exhaustion, irritability, anxiety, depression, frequent fevers, colds, or lung diseases. If you are spending most of your time inside the air conditioned office or home, you are forcing your body to use stale air. By doing so you are making it harder for your body to stay healthy and fresh. Where can you find fresh air? Oxygen is a very important component of life. Fresh air is a free gift that we need to breathe liberally. To enjoy fresh air, it does not mean that you can find it everywhere outdoors. In large cities, finding clean and fresh air is not an easy task as the natural freshness of air is destroyed by tobacco smoke, city smog, re-circulating air in buildings, improper ventilation, exhaust, and many other pollutants. In big cities, you need to find a park or garden with plenty of trees and plants to enjoy fresh air. Also good quality air can be found in abundance around seashore and beaches. 
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